
Do you think "sex" will result in unhappy marriages have it?

Interpretation: pk low demand high demand, the couple of step
  Between husband and wife ran aground when the intimate relationship, this "rock" often appears in the bedroom.
  Research shows that in a happy marriage, contributed only 15% of happiness, but without a happy relationship, there are from 85% of dissatisfied. When the partner wants a party, a party does not want to say "good" or "no"?
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  Marriage expert advice is: if one party made the invitation, the answer would have to get is: Good, good, good.
  When the high demand case of low demand: demand is less than a man woman
  Kate and Jack get married at the beginning, deeply infatuated with each other's smiles, when their sex is great. Kate likes the same sex as the Jack. She did not realize is that his son was born, not like that like their sex.
  At first, she thought it was caused because too hard to take care of their children, Jack, so more help with children, feeding him up at night diaper. Kate do feel a lot easier, but she did not want to have sex. Later, they asked the elders to help child care per week for one night, They went out for dinner to enjoy two of the world movies. But her low libido did not play any role.
  The longer clone, the more gloomy silence Jack, Kate, so the more critical complaints. Sometimes, she would also like to express some sweetness, and then started asking Jack to make love, the final total to quarrel ended.
  Within a few short years, the frequency of their sex several times a week reduced from only a few times a year. They finally had to go to the doctor, saliva testing found that the body's testosterone levels Kate and Jack the high low, which explains why Jack always wanted to do and she rarely wanted to do.
  Low demand for women: sexual relations between the two is very important for
  Jack has a medium such as demand or more people, both men and women, their light is relatively low, easy to arouse the desire to stimulate small. For them, sex is not particularly difficult to produce something, and then also very easy step by step toward a climax. If there is no sex life for a long time, they will feel psychologically and physically very ill. This does not apply to a person of low demand difficult to understand, because he or she not have the same experiences and feelings.
  Must know that the high demand of people for a long time if not satisfied, there will be a very strong discomfort, such as: body feel tense, sleep problems, restless, hard to relax, the idea of more and more of my heart , sex started to become very important, many ideas are distorted.
  Low demand of people should take responsibility for the sexual needs of partners, taking note of his sex, intimacy important to you. To focus on the nature of your pay, rather than the intimacy you get on. When the other side you will please the great satisfaction.
  High demand of men: Please raise your partner's sexual needs
  This demand, like Kate who are often low-ignition is relatively high, able to start them, may be the highest level of stimulation, that is, of itself. In other words, let them "think" they have to first "do" Caixing.
  Must understand the needs of people in low, excited the body is not an easy task, you need to concentrate their time. Consider this a scenario: You work for 10 hours, in the traffic jam on the highway to open a 40-minute ride home, cooking, washing dishes and the kids to bed, wash clothes --- 3 a barrel then you are most anxious to is to quickly go to bed. You open the bedroom door and found, leading to the bed is 30 meters away from the steel winding ropes, and the partner has been in the bed of crying can not wait.
  If he says: "Come meet me." You react? If he said, "Let me help you through this 30-meter steel winding ropes" mean?
  High demand of people close to the couple needs to take responsibility, which means: "non-sexual" touch and contact, smile, eye contact, sweet nonsense (but not sex-related), ask him or her " How was your day? ", tell him or her a happy or unhappy today, things take some more chores.
  Recommendation:Meet the request, said the first "good"
  Whenever a party to the request of the other party will try to meet. This statement may make people feel high libido very excited, and low sexual desire of the people will feel terrible.
  In fact, once the steady demand be met, sex is no longer an incredibly important thing was. The anxiety of being deprived, excuse the disturbed psychological feelings of guilt for all the other disappear, intimate relationship will be improved.
  Kate and Jack was adopted this method. At first, Jack demands more than Kate, but two weeks, they drop down the frequency of sex, and finally, they even do not remember a few times each week or month, and they are just happy and spontaneous sex, but this does not again is a very important thing.
  Unfortunately, unfortunately, from the nature of marriage?
  Unfortunately, the marriage from the sexual misfortune? Foreign experts in this research, the Chinese couples whether they agree with this view?
  Perhaps the Chinese marriage, more explosive from the economic crisis, law relationship, sexual satisfaction and experience, always in the position to be suppressed.
  Unfortunately, the crisis will lead to sex and sexual harmony will reverse the crisis. As the old saying goes, "end of the bed and bedside quarrel" between husband and wife, unfortunately, may try to "sex" to restore.

