
Tonghua Toho: confrontation International Lion of the strongest Antelope _ days of rivers

Tonghua Toho: confrontation International Lion ofwells fargo home equity loans the strongest Antelope source: pharmaceutical author EkonomHelp Desk Tracking Softwarei: Desk Help Software TrackingChen qixia according to 2010 the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the latest statistics, the global surge in patients with diabetes, while China harvest "firsts", China is expected to 9200 million DM. At the same time, the Institute of medicine and economy in the South of SFDA on diseases of the latest research also shows that the future of diabetes will become China's vast numbers of high incidence in rural areas. However, my insulin more than 80% of market share by Enoch and Noord-led international giants dominate. Tonghua Toho as two families have insulin is one of the whole series, has become the domestic market of diabetes medication against international "lion" most powerful "antelope". The new health reform and rural medical coverage of background and to the "Gazelle" Enterprise brings opportunities. At present, many yaoqi can produce insulin, but global integrity has three generations of insulin full series products only two, one is Denmark's Novo Nordisk, a company is China's tonghua Toho. Tonghua dongbao currently is the only company to achieve the effect of recombinant human insulin production enterprises, the second generation of recombinant human insulin production technology and Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly and Sanofi Aventis, etc. Nearly two years, tonghua dongbao face future challenges and opportunities, in the development of exclusive products, research and development team and sales channels also have a series of actions. Growth poised "tonghua dongbao successful strategic transformation significantly contributed to the improvement of the performance of the company. "A sunny private fund manager Li Shi Yu, tonghua dongbao revenue growth has come out of a slump, the company's main income stable growth while increasing domestic and foreign markets. Cash flow, 2005 Q3 of this year, the company's free cash flow rose from-$ 27153006.68 51739483.72 element, it can be said is a cataclysm. It is understood, tonghua dongbao from 2009 a large-scale loans last year repaying 9770 million. It is expected that the Research Department of gold in the first half of this year the company also repaid $ 7000. In addition, the historical reasons for impairment of receivables also had a peak period. Therefore, the company invested in sales before the involvement and the performance of the assets, at the beginning of this year with the release of capacity. Li Shi Yu pointed out that in 2005, due to the diversification, tonghua dongbao proportion in the pharmaceutical area around 60%. Other industry project performance, direct hit in the company's profitability, resulting in an overall gross margin decline. company In the report show 2010, tonghua dongbao in the State of the building material losses of the business of operating revenues, from $ 6031 2009 substantially reduced to 1708 $ 150 savings directly to the company. Furthermore, tonghua dongbao has engaged in 2004 the biggest competitors and Arnold Shanghai Grand District Sales Manager Li Cong as General Manager of the company is responsible for sales. Since then, the company in academic promotion capabilities, professional image have been greatly improved. From performance, from 2005 to 2009, tonghua dongbao insulin sales scale turned over 9 times, reaching 3.74 billion. Company's overall gross margin was also able to raise, to the third quarter of 2010, insulin preparations company overall gross margin of 61.05%. "We expected, the company will further split construction materials, on the one hand, conducive to internal financing, on the other hand to avoid profit erosion. "Li Shi Yu believes. Context clearly tonghua Toho Company at present has formed a clear development path. Li Shi Yu, tonghua dongbao focused core product business, insulin expansion and further expand overseas market development strategies have proved to be effective. Tonghua dongbao to insulin as the main line, while the shares of Beijing Kam Lee pharmaceutical and bio-Xiamen-Po, the third generation of insulin and the field of recombinant human interleukin. In 2004, tonghua dongbao in Beijing to build Asia's first and world's third largest modern biological synthetic human insulin production base. The company has invested more than $ 700 million to implement the annual human recombinant insulin 3000 kg of production line phase 2 expansion project has been running successfully and through the national GMP certification. Report display in 2010, the company can produce recombinant human insulin injections 7000 million, of which 40 million refill injections, vial injectable 3000 million and anticipated capacity utilization gradually from 2011. However, Li Shi Yu also believes that relative to the vast market demand, tonghua dongbao present production capacity is not enough, he may be short. At the same time, tonghua dongbao further open up overseas markets, the capture of developed countries and regional markets, firmly grasp the developing market. To date, tonghua dongbao subsidiary holding company Kam Lee pharmacy already in China and the global more than 20 countries achieved a PCT patent registration, its holding company Shanghai dongbao bio's wholly-owned subsidiary of Sweden ruikang life science co., Ltd has passed the United States FDA and EU EMEA certification. Now, tonghua dongbao funded $ 46 million in support of its comprehensive start 3 years of recombinant human insulin, and strive to EU certification in occupies a place on the EU market, it is expected that two years may apply for success. Addition, tonghua dongbao plan in Russia, Iran, Bangladesh, Malaysia and other countries Poland, building 5 preparation packing plant, to continue to maintain the tonghua dongbao competition in developing countriesAdvantages to consolidate and expand the existing share and build scale and market share. Li Shi Yu believes, will bring greater overseas market space, plus now tonghua dongbao phase expansion project of productivity, just step on the pace of market volume. Policy to force research report notes in gold, further expansion of coverage, will blank market, is the first occupation of tonghua dongbao next stage goal. "New health reform policies of hospital medicine baoji brings medical resources to sink, is the low market tonghua dongbao capture the perfect moment. "Li Shi Yu said. In response to this trend, tonghua dongbao 30 last year increased the number of sales personnel, and expansion of 40 this year. Currently, the total number of tonghua dongbao covering hospital for more than 300, the goal is 5000. Currently, Novo Nordisk and Lilly mainly entrenched in large and medium-sized cities in large hospitals, tonghua dongbao product prices in low and middle market more competitive. Some in the industry believe that tonghua dongbao product promotion with relative ease, plus hospital institutional factors, and thus will not easily changed into medicine. Currently, Eli Lilly in China approximately 300 person sales force, 2009 turnover of 4 billion; and tonghua dongbao 2009 implementation 3.7 billion turnover. Expected 2010 tonghua dongbao will surpass the Lilly, occupy second throne in the domestic market. In addition to the new health reform, tonghua dongbao also face other good policy. 16 October this year, following the European and United States separately announced that prohibition and strict use of rosiglitazone, SFDA declared limits of rosiglitazone in diabetes therapy use, this expanded tonghua dongbao human insulin products use space. In addition, the State will be the effect of recombinant human insulin lyophilized powder export tax rebate rate from 5% to 15%. Affected by this policy, tonghua dongbao 2010 third quarter operating income abroad 2735.94 million, an increase of 324.25%, representing the main income 9.36%. Tonghua dongbao has also been identified as Jilin province in 2008, the first batch of high-tech enterprise, valid for three years, will enjoy national high-tech enterprise-related policies. Fierce competition "tonghua dongbao future maximum uncertainty lies in the core technology is not held in their hands. "Li Shi Yu said. At present, the core technology in the hands of Gan Lee pharmacy, tonghua dongbao only holders of Gan Li pharmaceutical 41.50% stake and no control. Kam Lee pharmacy at any time possible from tonghua dongbao in A stock exchange, becoming the tonghua dongbao competitors. Addition, tonghua dongbao products at great prices, an advantage was according to the latest release of the third quarter of 2010, the company's cash flow is 5000 million, once up market share most of Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly, and other international giants pull price war, tonghua dongbao will face the passive. Also Analyst believes that the market mainstream views on the future of tonghua dongbao faces competition risk underestimated, ignored the other potential competitors. Like Fuxing medicine, taiji group, hengrui medicine, Tian Li Shi, Guangzhou and other pharmaceutical industry leader has been tempted to diabetes medicine areas, on research and development investment. Guangzhou pharmaceutical group in a pharmacy in 2007 set up in Guangzhou, a diabetes drug engineering technology research and Development Center, 2009 joint establishment of 19 companies in Guangdong Province diabetes drug engineering technology research and Development Center. Although most of these enterprises into only for type 2 diabetes oral medicine areas, but as these enterprises ' capital and reserve adequacy, future development potential of unpredictable.

