
[Reprint] US Army snipers tutorial (part one) _ghostdog

Original address: US Army sniperswrongful death attorneys florida tutorial (part one) author: Kalashnikov snipers usingapplication business card credit generally acceHelp Desk Tracking Softwarepted that sniper is hiding secretly to the target cold gun in a hidden place, but in fact sniper is not alone freedom of movement, but in small groups under the command of Commander important targets precision strike on the long distance, and provide timely reports on the battlefield. Proper use of reconnaissance and sniper can disrupt the enemy's movements, penetration, even among the enemy soldiers have psychological fear, confusion and reduces their morale, determination and so as to affect the enemy's fighting combat operations. But while in the armed forces of many countries will have a dedicated sniper training and tactical doctrine, in fact there are many military officers do not understand the value of the snipers and how they should be used, so a lot of well-trained sniper was treated as a sharpshooter and wasted, which exist in almost any country in the armed forces. when you use sniper team, personnel should clearly understand that sniper action cannot be crucified on a fixed timetable, to give snipers the maximum freedom of movement. Sniper teams must clearly commanders intent, operational programmes and fire support plans, sniper teams must choose where to deploy at the scene, because only their own will be clear on where to get a clear field of fire and is easy to cover. Sniper cannot be discovered by the enemy, because of their mobility is much lower than other units, but also not well protected against enemy fire, once it is found that must immediately be returned to the enemy can't see the place. Sniper team before other units into battle, preferably in a convoy (or row). So the sniper team in the battle just in time for seating and convoy can provide timely assistance when the sniper team in distress. sniper be sure to clear the following factors: 1. -you need to complete the task or assist in the task type; 2. -the enemy of the enemy force arms and scale; 3. terrain-specific feature of the area of operation, as well as climate and weather for the day of action; 4. friendly fire-sniper teams, convoy in the area of operation and Alice involved in fighting, and so on; 5. time �� the time required by the task. legend: General commanding officers, crews to enemy sniper weapon operator, radio, and key material targeted attack in offensive operations in the sniper by killing the enemy of wiping to fight the enemy's morale, and by identifying the threats to our units and shot the biggest enemy, which plays an important role in offensive operations. a. offensive operations when expanded, sniper should: 1. �Ը��о�ľѻ��֣�2. discover and target shooting stress; 3. shooting the enemy team with precision firepower weapons, operations staff, and others; 4. with accurate fire shooting enemy commanders; 5. shooting with the accurate fire bunkers perforating; 6. ����з����ػز��ӣ�7. ��������еĵо�wbr>8. �������9. control key terrain. b. When you want to attack them when using the sniper, sniper 24-48 hours before departure of the unit began operations: 1. �ƶ���Ԥѡ��λ�ã�2. �Ѽ��йصз�����Ϣ��3. control key terrain to prevent sudden attack of the enemy. c. mechanized units in implementation of mobile, although the sniper is not useful, but when you get off attacking forces battle on foot, a sniper attack can be used to support. d. in a surprise attack, attacks on the Panel can be used as a cover fire or supporting fire: 1. control targets in the vicinity of or enemy escape routes may; 2. cover to friend of evacuation routes; 3. provide long-range fire on the target area. legend: before the attack, analysis and selection of sniper attack routes between the position to the target, select the desired key terrain in order to cover the main forces of control actions. WBR> legend: snipers in devious tactics--snipers get into the role of a point in a field of fire with a good observation positions, guide direct firepower to prepare, and then along the route of a covert infiltration to another position (near or behind the enemy lines), and then started shooting at the scheduled time selecting the destination (through observed fire preparedness and target areas of countering blind), combined with devious force raids. ��--sniper circuitous troops surprise on arrival before firing positions, selected and marked for the circuitous forces infiltration route, if safety near heuristically close to enemy lines. When a detour when forces begin assault, sniper attacks on enemy outposts and destroy traps (point b), and surprise in the process of protecting circuitous flanks of forces from ambush. c--the sniper attack launched with the goal of entering a firing positions and to project to target precise fire, when the main forces started to fire when ready, move towards the target area to conceal circuitous forces real intention, close to the target areas of continued attacks on another firing position, even fight back or terminated, so as not to prematurely expose devious force operation. Defense in defensive battle, sniper shot should be systematically choose a specific target, it is best to hinder enemy's advance. a. defensive battles, sniper should: 1. �����ϰ������ͷ��棻2. ��ɱ�о�����ֶӣ�3. shot and killed when exposed to enemy commander of the armored vehicle, anti-tank teams outside of the turret and radio; 4. fire damage optical instrument for armored vehicles to prevent campaigns; 5. destroy the enemy team supporting fire; 6. �����о�ĺ�Ԯ���ӣ�7. control key terrain. b. negative slope in the defense, sniper should be deployed in advance on the high ground to provide an effective long-range fire. legend: reverse beveled snipers in defense and security force deployed together on the high ground (a-security force, main forces of the b-, c-reserve) retreat in the army when transfers or evacuations, sniper using precise remote firepower to kill the enemy, is busy and cannot be carried out at an early stage of the enemy forces. urban warfare in the urban environment and wilderness battlefields are very different, because not so much in the field of artificial terrain and roads, building and building or street and street fighting greatly shortens the sniper range of engagement, but it also makes a sniper has better observation capabilities and fire area, if indirect fire and a sniper's own battlefield monitoring guide combines precision direct fire, snipers will play an important role in fighting in the city. inside buildings and underground passages is the best course of action, through the streets can easily be found on the ground. Sniper suited in the stone building built in, which would have the best protection, greater fire area, and observation of the clearest vision. For enemies, but also very easy to find snipers, sniper should seek to eliminate the gunfire and gun fire. For example, do not shoot directly on the doors, Windows and other openings, the best was able to go to the abandoned building fire and observation, and can also cut off on the wall within an outer width of the narrow funnel-shaped perforation. legend: urban warfare, doors, Windows and walls of caves are extremely vulnerable to areas of concern, sniper should hide that is easy to underestimate the enemy position against attack between two elite sniper showdown is due to the highly ornamental and legendary novelist, film and television screenwriter favored, but the most effective way to battle against a sniper tend to be shelled, including armoured vehicles and artillery, individual rocket and missile forces available to direct fire. However this does not mean that sniper in action against attacks on has no effect, in fact, those who have received professional sniper training can use reverse thinking quickly determine an enemy sniper may cover, guiding direct artillery fire raids. of course, in the case of lack of access to direct fire support, snipers are important resources for action against attacks. In addition, the armed confrontation on for a long time, opposing sides would often send sniper harassment of other forces region, in this case, also suitable for sniper task of fighting against the attacks. Once it finds it when enemy snipers in the vicinity of the resident coordinator, perform the task of fighting against the attacks of snipers will be gathering information, research on the map or aerial photograph, judge the possible location of enemy snipers; he should be asking yourself: if I were him, I will how to complete a task? you can also boot ground reconnaissance team searches the enemy may hide, and the remnants of the goods, at a time, and so on. action against attacks, snipers neighbours in the region should be coherent with the Commander of task force line of action and firing layout, arrangement support infantry unit, or other attacks on groups or ambush enemy snipers, as well as bait to lure the enemy snipers fired to expose his location, such as camouflage suit to be a sniper. In the fight against attacks on the task, and fighting is occurring around the sniper must be ignored, he has focused his eyes enemy snipers. In addition, prior to seeking out and eliminating enemy snipers,Has force shall implement the following measures against attacks on the negative: 1. do not adhere to schedules of daily activities, such as meal times, recharge time, all types of ammunition Assembly or any activities carried out on a daily basis. 2. all meetings, briefings, or any action must be carried out in the bunkers of the gathered crowd. 3. cloaking or hiding all critical equipment and supplies. 4. picked rank flag on the helmet and a collar, not to military salute, the officers should not highlight your leadership image. 5. increased battlefield surveillance capabilities, such as increasing the observation posts and patrols. 6. short patrols to look for solitary consumption of ammunition and camouflage for different materials and so on. 7. when such actions as, and do not make you appear in a sniper dress up. 8.��Ҫ�����κ�Ů�ԡ� An informal opinion of the statistical, 5% sniper is a woman of many third world countries. If patrols or post found a woman carrying a rifle with sight, she was a deadly opponent. Ѱ�ҷ����ĵ���ע��о�ѻ������µĺۼ����ϲ�ͬ���͵��㼣��ѻ�С��wbr>רҵ�ľѻ������粢������һ���µ�Ӣ�ۣ�������һ��ѵ�����ص�С�飬�����Խսʱ�ڿ�ʼ���������С����ʽ�����Ѿ���������ҵľ����ѧϰ��������ѻ��ָ��Ե��β�ͬ��λ�á���һ��ѻ��֣������֣���һ������֡� Sniper is responsible for the target of aiming and shooting, and view aim at hand is responsible for the observation and security. in theory, when snipers as a team during the training, you should always maintain this combination, because team members have been formed in the cooperation in training for a long time understanding. However, two members must have a level of experience is better, for the position of the members of this group, different armies have different views, even in the us as well. Such as the United States Marine Corps think experiences the best and the shooter should serve as a sniper in the group that they believe snipers are the key to action, and view sight just assisted sniper detection and security tasks. However United States Army believes that an experienced shooter should view sight hand, they believe that "snipers only monkeys and view sight is Tamer" (Thesniper is the monkey and the spotteris theDriver), this means that the concept of good looking hands by saying the command command snipers aiming and shooting, and adjusted according to the wind direction wind air humidity tells Archer how sight hits the target, at the same time he was also responsible for monitoring their surroundings, and afford the security working group as a whole, was dedicated to targeting by sniper shooting and make tactical decisions as situations change. due to the different duties, two members of different weapons, such as the United States Army field described in regulations FM23-10 sniper M24 sniper rifle, and view sight hands carrying hang under M16A1/A2 assault rifle of the M203 grenade launcher, and the Marine Corps is also a similar combination. Assault rifle firepower than violently, than in the sniper rifle is better suited to deal with, and a short distance on the target, and M203 grenade launchers can strengthen the firepower of the sniper team, and it can project to longer distances smoke bombs, covering sniper team retreat. in the Iraq war a United States Marine Corps sniper team, primary shooter M40A1 sniper rifle, view looking hands carrying hang under M16A2 assault rifle of the M203 grenade launcher. ����2����ʦ��һ���ѻ��飬��������M24 SWS������Ա��M21�� seal mentioned sniper snipers tutorials often bear the vanguard/penetration reconnaissance units, so a sniper team may be up to 4 people, and weapons with automatic weapons in this kind of task-oriented. Map is under seal snipers on the tutorials on the attacks on the Panel at the time of the beach of the example: attacks on the main forces of the group must be less than theTo reach the destination before the beach, marking accurate landing sites for the main forces, as well as provide positive force 180 degrees from the security warning. If possible it is best to deploy two sniper team. 4 people on the beach in seal sniper positions and duties of the Group: is responsible for the front guard, ��, �� and ��, responsible for flanking alert, ��, responsible for guiding the main forces of the landing. responsibilities and duties of the sniper sight and view sniper action can be broadly divided into three phases: planning phase, stage, and attacks on the stage. enter when a sniper team accepts a task scheduling phase, two members of the group is supposed to attend briefings and grasp all the known information, which can help you understand the nature and environmental tasks, and select transfer March road, the target location (ORP) and shooting positions (FFP). when the plan is expected to begin preparing and checking of equipment required by the task, two members of the team responsible for their own weapons and equipment. And ready to be examined such as sniper sniper rifles, and optical sight, and view aim at hand to check the support equipment such as radio, scope of work, and some tasks require special equipment such as thermal imaging, video recorders, cameras, and so on, members of the group you want to check and prepare these things together. After the required items are packed, attacks on the campaign enters second phase: the way forward to the ORP, and again from ORP advances to the FFP. ORP is a sniper team for the final stages of preparation, and from there into the FFP campaign sites, camouflage clothing is usually put on here, if necessary, you need to hide here is not needed for operation of equipment. from the place of departure (sniper team to leave the place where friendly fire control district) on his way to the ORP is determined by the concept of aiming to lead, and serve as the main striker, he is responsible for selecting the best route and navigate. Under normal circumstances is just a concept aiming assault weapon carried by hand, but in some cases, two members will carry assault weapons, sniper rifle gun bag is put into the protective effect of back-up, the ORP is off. After the ORP, sniper teams prepare for the final preparations, if the escort team, ORP is also a sniper team and the escorting team breaking up places, and then escort teams remain ORP or reaches the intended join points, while the sniper teams are slow and subtle to FFP. ORP FFP's ride by a sniper in leading the way, as is selected by a sniper shooting positions. ��ORP��FFT��ʾ��ͼ��С�鵽��������ʱ�Ϳ�ʼ�����Ľ׶Σ���ʱ�ѻ��ֺ͹����ֶ�Ҫ��ʼ���ø��Ե�׼������ Snipers in place, it is necessary to examine the weapon, load up and ensure that the gun without any obstacles ahead. View aim in place ready to work more, to observe the target area, identifying the main target, identify key terrain and possible routes for enemies closer, sketches and a range of card making terrain and open observation logs. If you need to build a simple soldier bunkers, General view looking hand is responsible for the security, the snipers are responsible for the construction of positions. ����

