
[Reprinted] Zhang Zhaozhong: Japan F35 fighters will pay purchase price for 5 years service _ Linqing difficult pastoral idlers.

Original address: led NATO started: Japan purchase F35 fighter will pay price 5 years domestic story service author: II Yi military interpretation: Japan if check has contract, I estimated 4-5 years within are is difficult to got aircraft, this also is equal to the is dumb eat coptis, this no approach, becausewrongful death attorneys florida it as allies to pay price, Japan as United States of allies must to in some main station equipment Shang and United States keep synchronization, cannot says United States special advanced, it special backward, both on cannot formation joint combat, in this situation Xia, Japan to upgrade air combat capacity, only to buy most advanced of aircraft, this most advanced of aircraft F-22 and can't sells, only is F-35, so is equal to the Japan no other model can selected, to buy on this, or on don't buy, currently on is equal to the is so a State. Information figure: Airport Shang parking of F-35 fighter �� woman how to get man heart �� most easy is with went to bed of constellation �� attracts specific of secret weapons �� how let she for you Italian mess love fans? �� how became man most crush of woman �� woman how to hook live man heart? �� how let side all are like you �� man how conquest beloved of woman? �� 12 constellation how temptation sweetheart went to bed? �� 12 star female how tied live adulterous of husband? �� woman how to let maHelp Desk Tracking Softwaren love you deeper �� 12 constellation in the which constellation of sexual capacity most cool according to Japan's Kyodo News Agency reports, to solution Japan introduced next-generation fighter of topics, should United States aspects of requirements, day beauty between yesterday (18th,) on F-35 fighter of performance information confidential problem signed has confidential agreement, for Japan introduced new fighter paved the has road.����We know that Japan has been extremely reluctant to buy many problems before, but up to now has been developed by United States F-35 fighter, now Japan why have decided to buy? that Japan is not a good bargain? today, China Radio international-global news broadcast transcript: topic of broadcast programmes led NATO started the military experts will be invited, a deep explanation. Japan's Kyodo News Agency reported on F-35 between Japan and the United States fighter aircraft performance data privacy agreement text from Japan Seiji Maehara, Minister for Foreign Affairs and the United States stationed in Japan, Ambassador Ruth signed on behalf of their respective Governments in Tokyo yesterday. In order to give effect to the end of last year has just adopted a new outline and full defense will soon introduce a new issue of the medium-term plan of defence forces service to enhance the Japan Air self-defense force's defense capabilities, developed jointly by the 9 countries such as the United States and Britain are F-35, have been incorporated into the Japan Defense range of filter systems, is regarded as one of the most powerful candidate models.����Allegedly, F-35 fighters have the ability to evade radar captures invisible features, and supersonic cruise, and by the United States and the United Kingdom and Italy in 9 countries, such as jointly developed, in order to prevent F-35 leakage of information related to performance, United States requires Japan to "combat aircraft performance information on strict data management" and signed a confidentiality agreement.����Signed nondisclosure agreements are Japan purchased aircraft essential for Moderator: in that case, sign this NDA, does this mean that Japan eventually to the United States purchased F-35 through it? of China's National Defense University Professor Zhang zhaozhong believes that this is indeed Japan buy F-35 the first step.����Led NATO started: sign the confidentiality agreement is the first condition of buying fighter, sold F-35 started to develop is the world's first up-front investments in 8 countries, Japan does not belong to the scope of the upfront investment in 8 countries, so at first purchase must sign confidentiality agreements to ensure that the aircraft on the development of any technology cannot be used on other aircraft, it's Japan sales fighters of the first security assurances. Japan to update four generations of fighters Moderator: according to the Japan defense white paper, and other related information shows that the Japan Air self-defense force's main fighters are United States production of the f-series fighters, with F-15 largest number of fighter jets, a total of 200 or so, there are more than 70 F-4 fighter planes and more than 80 F-2 fighter. With the increase in fighter configuration time, replacement fighters become Japan a great problem in the defence sector. However, Japan main fighter of the Government in the choice of a new generation of models on the issue of delay in conclusion. Japan Government would like from the United States to purchase F-22 with stealth capabilities of the world's most advanced fighter, but was the United States denied. United States Government has explicitly forbids this fighter for export. Apart from the United States aircraft, Japan also had considered purchasing the Typhoon fighter jets in Europe and the United States FA-18 fighter, but from Japan and the United States signed yesterday F-35 aircraft performance information nondisclosure agreement, final Japan or do you want to select United States F-35. So, what prompted Japan determined under this? led NATO started: the United States in order to maintain the technological superiority, F-22 within 10 years will not be sold in other countries, so that Japan is out. Japan if you do not buy F-35, if the other Asian countries after there have been four generations, its position on the combat is rather poor. Especially now, India has joined and Russia's development of 750, which forced the Japan must seriously consider the issue of four generations of updates, from this point of view, Japan now worried. F-35 the true face of the Chair: it appears that Japan F-35 fighter, is motivated by factors in the Asian strategic balance in the sky. ThenThat it would like to purchase United States F-35, in the end what?, Japan will not buy it, there should be a reason for it.����Below, our Professor Zhang zhaozhong, describe to us, this F-35 true colors. Led NATO started: F-35 belonging to light fighter, 22 tons-27 tons so of weight, can vertical take off and landing, this is F-35 comparison must of function, but this aircraft currently problems comparison more, is armed Tri General of model, technology requirements too much led to now increasingly dystocia, iapplication business card creditncreasingly overweight, too fat has, price also turn has 4, and 5 turn, some a price/performance became is bad, some people on jokes says, it of air combat capacity substantially decline, air combat capacity than Su-30, stealth capacity than F-22, on to attack Shi, it of effective load original is prepared can loading two pieces 2000 points of laser-guided bomb, now only loading two pieces 1000 points of, is more than 400 more kg of laser-guided bomb, that is on to attack capacity is difference. After the aircraft came out, we are not very optimistic about it.����Now the F-35 is still relatively dangerous, what is the next step forward in the future, the air force conventional take off and landing should be more or less, Navy aircraft carriers and also you should have more or less, but the Marine Corps with vertical take off and landing are relatively poor, successful development it's hard to say. Moderator: it appears that F-35 is indeed a lot of the problems, but also its research and development has become the world's most expensive weapons development program.����According to United States Department of defense officials say that, due to a series of cost overruns and delays, F-35 construction costs have 1 time times higher than initially estimated cost; 2001, at the beginning of the research and development, United States officials to its subscription price is per aircraft of more than 20 million dollars, the price of every fighter planes up to about $ 92 million. Japan starts first poke Moderator: in General, expensive things there is a reason, but F-35 you have no reason to. Watch more and no one wants to buy a F-35 fighter, good research and development costs of hundreds of millions of dashuipiao Americans very worried. United States Secretary of Defense Gates ' recent visit to Japan, and Korea Shi, vigorously promoted F-35 to two fighters, while Japan starts on the first sucker.����Next, we'll take a look at led NATO started the analysis.����Led NATO started: United States faces of situation is, original intends to buy of national constantly of retreat, United States now extortion Japan, let Japan first eat crab, with a good head, United States packaged votes says everywhere sells this things, original says to sold United Kingdom, United Kingdom is up-front investors, fighter out Hou on should to most cheap of price sold United Kingdom, results United Kingdom made has Yi Li shabai, aircraft carrier, United Kingdom of aircraft carrier are fast service has, results aircraft also no, into has has ship inorganic of State, formation has "nude ran", United Kingdom is equal to the is Shabu has, Japan if check has contract, I estimated 4-5 years within are is difficult to got aircraft, this also is equal to the is dumb eat coptis, this no approach, because it as allies to pay price, Japan as United States of allies must to in some main station equipment Shang and United States keep synchronization, cannot says United States special advanced, it special backward, both on cannot formation joint combat, in this situation Xia, Japan to upgrade air combat capacity, only to buy most advanced of aircraft, this most advanced of aircraft F-22 and can't sells, only is F-35, so is equal to the Japan no other model can selected, to buy on this, or on don't buy, currently on is equal to the is so a State. Moderator: thank the wonderful analysis of led NATO started. F-35 research and development lag fighter, and even the United States will also be the fighter jets equipped with time from the very beginning of 2013 put off by the year 2015. Even if Japan Government eventually decided to introduce F-35, because this model a priority to the development and deployment, when I can deliver, as a buyer of Japan still have doubts. In addition, if you appear again postponed F-35 research and development, Japan may also require payment of the purchase price will rise sharply, Japan Air self-defense force air defense operations as a whole will be affected by a severe blow. It seems that for Japan, this is a very risky business. ��Ů�˸߳��ˣ����˺���ڿ�wbr>�����ڿ�һ����Ů���������ɡ�49����ĸ�����Ů�����ڿ��˭�������������ҵ����壿�ﻻ�ڿ㣬�и�һ�糤һ��ǿ���ﻻ�ڿ㣬��ŷ������һ��ǿ���������˵�һ�ε�Ѽ�̽����г�������ý�����ʰ뵺��Σ�й������ı�ս�����������������ʰ뵺Σ�����ʧ���վ�ͻȻ��ʢ�ٷ�ǿӲ���������й�ʾ�ÿ��˺ܳԾ��������й�������еij���Σ����Ժ����һ�����ƣ��й��Ƿ��������Ϊ������һֱ�������ƣ�����Ϊ�й�û�к�ĸ��������ӡ�����Ϻ���֯�����й���������������û��������ڶ��γ���ս������ͳһ���ʰ뵺���й���ش�ս��Ӱ���й�ר�Ҿ��溫��һζ������Ʊ���ս���������������й��������¼���й��˺��𺳣����������Ƶ��ѵ��Ŀǰ�й�ķ������������й����ս�����������佢����022����ͧ�����۹�IJ����书����������սʷ�ϵ��ߴ�ʤ��פ������ǰ˾���ý���й��ս������100��ǰ�й�մ�һ��DF21�����������ڻƺ���������̫ƽ��Ӣ�������������ֳ�һ�ֺü�����δ������������˹�˿��й��20��ﵽ����˹����40�곬�������߽����ص�ӡռ�й���ϣ�ֳ��ͳ����ӡ��ʽ����

