
[Reprint] Chairman Mao's 30 amazing prophecy (forward) _ No victories.

Original Address: Chairman Mao's 30 amazing prophecy (forward) of: confidently online line <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> Chairman Mao's 30 amazing prophecy (forward) what is man or a god of Chairman Mao? .In fact, this is simply no need to discuss the history and reality have already explained this very pertinent question, but also very accurate: Chairman Mao is human, not a god, but also God than God! .How come? .Not that other, just from the 30 amazing prophetic view of Chairman Mao, to be fully proved this. .Let us look at the amazing prophecy of Chairman Mao in 30 specific content of it. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 1. Chairman Mao July 25, 1916 prediction: there must be 20 years between the Sino-Japanese War, July 7, 1937, the Marco Polo Bridge of gunfire opened a prelude to national war of resistance ., eight-year war of life and death decision of the Chinese nation, should permit a 24-year-old 20 years ago, predictions of normal students. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 2. Chairman Mao July 21, 1919 prediction: 20 years later, the French will not have a big headache, really, no less two years later, the French people to experience a large .trouble. .Hitler to humiliate France, especially the German surrender in 1918 designated the same place on the same railway carriage signed the French surrender. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 3. Mao July 28, 1919 prophecy: Japan and Germany will risk disaster the world, with its magical powers of observation and insight into Mao Japan, Germany, "adultery", nearly 20 years ahead of schedule .predicted "Axis" and will be collaborating with two fascist devil, evil world crisis, the outbreak of World War II, confirmed the predictions. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 4. Chairman Mao in November 1933 prediction: we will lose the fifth to break the "encirclement and suppression" of the favorable opportunity, Chiang Kai-shek launched the Central Soviet Area fifth "encirclement and suppression" at a time when Mao Zedong " .Long Shoal trapped "in a political career low. .However, while Mao Zedong's not their place to seek the government for the safety of Soviet and Red Army brainstorming. .Unfortunately, not adopted by the central views of Chairman Mao's correct, resulting in the fifth against "encirclement and suppression" of the failure. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 5. Chairman Mao December 12, 1934 prophecy: we can not go to Western drilling pocket, Chairman Mao is a "pocket experts", has always been under his cloth "pocket" for Chiang Kai-shek to drill, he .how is it possible to drill under Chiang Kai-shek cloth "pocket" it! Liu said: "At the time, if not Chairman Mao strongly advocated a change in policy, the future of the Red Army left more than thirty thousand only destruction." <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 6. .Mao May 24, 1935 prophecy: Ground in no way to go through, we can go through. .Ultimate failure of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the hands of Zeng's Hunan commander. .Chiang Tseng most admired, imitated everywhere Zeng. .Chiang Kai-shek let the "Mao Zhu" to "Ground in the second." .Chairman Mao led the Red Army to break the siege has to go through the Ground in the road did not go through. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 7. Chairman Mao in September 1935 prediction: the south is no way out, I believe, a year later, you will come back, Mao Zedong and the tao, all attended the "Chinese Communist Party a major" .Chinese Communist Party veteran. .They meet in the Long March after he parted ways. .October 9, 1936, the Red Army joined forces three main, the Long March ended. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 8. Chairman Mao July 15, 1936 prediction: Hitler's aggression in Europe, in July 1921, when Hitler became the German Socialist Workers Party (Nazi) heads of state, began to thrive when .Mao is looking for salvaging the country's roads, involved in creating the Chinese Communist Party. .The first half of 1936, Hitler sent troops into the Rhine small shares the demilitarized zone, and to participate in armed intervention in Spain. .At this point production has not yet concluded "**** international agreement. " .Hitler small test chopper, and Chairman Mao had insight into their treacherous. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 9. Chairman Mao July 15, 1936 prediction: China has achieved independence, may be a large-scale foreign investment. .After the founding of New China, received the first "foreign" is the Soviet government to provide low-interest loan of 3 billion dollars, and later the Chinese people to tighten their external debt and hungry. .Chairman Mao's wise foresight and break the stranglehold the enemy heavy road blockade by a new generation of leaders to The future a reality. .To the present, to attract foreign investment in China has become the largest country in the world after the United States. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 10. Chairman Mao in May 1938 prediction: China's War of Resistance fight seven or eight years. .According to Cheng Siyuan recalls: "Mao Zedong," On Protracted War, "just published, the basic spirit of Zhou Enlai put it to the xi is introduced. Xi deep appreciation that this is the highest strategic approach to defeat the enemy. Took it to the Chiang Kai-shek .quoted, Jiang is also very much in favor. In support of Chiang Kai-shek, Pai Chung-hsi to "On Protracted War," the spirit of the sum into two words: 'plot small victories for the victory, the space for time', by the Military Commission issue a general order, .as the guiding ideology of anti-Japanese war strategy. "Sure enough, after eight years of hard work, Japan finally surrendered. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 11. Chairman Mao in October 1938 predicted: Chamberlain will definitely shooting themselves in the foot. .World War II, British Prime Minister, "the master of appeasement," Chamberlain, rational attempt to politicians and businessmen to deal with the selfishness of Hitler's war maniacs. .Chamberlain lift the stone, not playing in the Soviet Union's head, but hit his own feet, even his political life. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 12. Chairman Mao, September 23, 1939 prophecy: Roosevelt will make the United States in World War II. .Mao Zedong in Yan'an caves, more than two years in advance will be expected to participate in World War II the United States, which is the Chinese people firmly War triumphalism is important. .Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the Pacific War. .Normandy landing, the U.S. military confrontation with the German face. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 13. Chairman Mao, March 16, 1940 prediction: the future way out of our army, it is the Central Plains. .7 years later, Chairman Mao sent a three-way force Central Plains, and laid the national battlefield victory. .Winner, and finally the outcome. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 14. Chairman Mao's July 2, 1942 prediction: With the second front, within a year to be able to defeat Germany. .Chairman Mao said: As long as the European continent to open a second front, the defeat of Germany just a year. .Because the second front opened until June 1944, Germany will Gouyan to May 1945 was only defeated. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 15. Chairman Mao's May 1945 predictions: KMT-CCP talks ̸£ no shred of hope. .KMT after the end of the war, the trend has become a mountain tigers. .June 1946, the "Double Ten Agreement" and the "Political Consultative Conference resolutions" have been torn up Chiang Kai-shek, civil war broke out, seven on the Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao predicted the situation has finally emerged. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 16. Chairman Mao, August 13, 1945 prophecy: nuclear war unlikely. .When the Americans dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, after a week, Mao asserted: the atomic bomb can not solve the war. .Since then, Mao Zedong and Strong, Snow and others talk, repeatedly described a nuclear war be unlikely, humans have the ability to prevent nuclear war and the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons ideas. .Today, only Japan but also around the world have suffered atomic attack. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 17. Mao December 9, 1946 prophecy: according to the Hong Kong negotiations to solve problems in the future. .From the forty's, Chairman Mao has become a solution to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and even the basic ideas, namely: do not rush to resolve the Hong Kong and Macao; full respect for the history and current situation of Hong Kong and Macao; through consultation with the peaceful transition .to resolve. .Today, Hong Kong, Macao's smooth return, fulfilled these wise foreseen by Chairman Mao. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 18. .Chairman Mao in July 1945 predicted the war of liberation process: July 1945, when civil war broke out after the Communist Party of China Chairman Mao made, and will certainly achieve a comprehensive victory over the KMT's optimistic forecast, however, how long it takes over the KMT in .On this issue, Chairman Mao did not give a specific timetable, saying only that would be a long struggle. .After two years after the Liberation War, Chairman Mao gave the answer that you can only get five years to complete victory. .However, just three months later, Chairman Mao found that this prediction is wrong, do not need five years, but only three years, can defeat the KMT has. .The development of later proved that this year's forecast is very accurate. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 19. Mao March 1949 prediction: Some sugar bomb in front of the Communists to be defeated. .February 10, 1952, Chin-San Liu, Zhang Zishan gunpoint down in justice. .Shots through the decades of time and space, anti-corruption still remains to be done. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 20. Chairman Mao in September 1949 prediction: the United States could achieve a peaceful evolution in China. .Chairman Mao to the "cultural revolution" as the basic means to prevent the peaceful evolution to be denied. .But behind the more than ten years of Chairman Mao, the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, changes in the facts, people can not not impressed with the vision of Chairman Mao. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 21. Mao January 15, 1955 prophecy: elementary particles are separable. .Chairman Mao did not in-depth study of physics, magic, after two decades of predicted high-energy physics trends. .In 1978, the seventh held in Hawaii to discuss the world's particle physics conference, Nobel Prize winner in physics of elementary particles Glashow proposed to life as a "gross particles." .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 22. Chairman Mao in June 1956 predicted: gorges. .Chairman Mao's planned Three Gorges, but the rest of his life not my own eyes, "gorges." .At 15:20 on April 3rd, 1992, the Fifth Session of the Seventh National People's Congress, overwhelmingly in favor, voted to adopt a "motion of the Three Gorges Project." .Today, the "gorges" has become a reality. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 23. Mao June 21, 1958 prophecy: he that atomic and hydrogen bombs, intercontinental missiles, I think ten years is entirely possible. .In 1960, when the Soviet Union withdrew experts, drawing away, some foreigners have asserted: "The Chinese people did not create the atomic bomb 20 years, come." .Since then, China has not only had the bomb, and the production of hydrogen bombs, neutron bombs ... ... When the full realization of the targets of Chairman Mao, he was easy to praise Khrushchev said: "We should give a ton of Khrushchev made a big .Medal, to show thanks! "<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 24. Mao September 5, 1958 prophecy: Charles de Gaulle came to power as well, he likes odds with the Anglo-American. .Charles de Gaulle often defended the French colonial policy overseas, but also an active promoter of the Cold War, therefore, international public opinion was generally felt that political change will result in the whole of Europe to the right. .Mao did not think so. .He was against all the odds, asserted: Charles de Gaulle came to power will drive the development of European neutrality, the European out of the United States. .The development of history was soon confirmed the predictions of Chairman Mao. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 25. Chairman Mao's prediction in 1958: in Jinggangshan, Chairman Mao, and when he was first secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee of a Yixi Tan Ping words. .He said so: "Why do I see the household responsibility system so serious? China is a great agricultural country, if a change of ownership basis, the collective economy of the industrial base for the service object would rock, industrial products, sell to .Well! industry has become public one day, polarization fast enough, the existence of imperialism from the first day to the jungle of the big market, and today they even have an advantage in all areas, both inside and outside of a pincer attack, and then we .how to protect the interests of the Communist Party of the people, protect workers, the interests of farmers?! how to protect and develop their own national industry and commerce, national defense?! China is a large and poor countries, the imperialists wHelp Desk Tracking Softwareill China really rich and strong? That others rely on swagger? .! tender mercies, we do not secure this country has. "<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> Chairman Mao said:" Things are not so simple, the development of the capitalist system people for hundreds of years, much more mature than the socialist system, but .China took the capitalist road leads to nowhere. China's population, ethnic and more a long history of feudal society, uneven regional development, law of the jungle of modern imperialism has been, and made hard times, in fact, fall apart. our capitalist these conditions, only .vassal to someone else. imperialism in the energy, capital and other advantages in many aspects. U.S. capitalist countries of Western Europe, both cooperation and exclusion, hoapplication business card creditw could China's independent development to lag behind, catch up? the past, China took the capitalist road leads to nowhere, .Today, the capitalist road, I think, or dead. to go, we have to sacrifice the fundamental interests of working people, which contrary to the purpose of the Communist Party. domestic class conflicts, ethnic conflicts will intensify, they might, will be .enemy use. "<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 26. Mao January 30, 1962 prediction: China to catch up and exceed the world's most advanced countries, need 100 years time. .His 1962 "��ǧ�˴��quot; on the expected pace of development, with the second generation of leaders developed "three-step" strategy is very consistent. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 27. Chairman Mao, 21 October 1975 forecast to become a U.S. president George HW Bush: That afternoon, Chairman Mao met with U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at the time, the elder Bush as U.S. ambassador to Beijing Liaison .Department Director, present. .Chairman Mao asked: "The ambassador, why do not you come to see me?" Bush replied: "It would be very honored, but I'm afraid you are too busy." Chairman Mao said: "I'm not busy, I do not care of domestic affairs, I .read international news. You must come to see me. "At that time, Bush and colleagues in the liaison office thought it was a courtesy, and later learned that Chairman Mao's speech has always counts. .He put forward for not meeting requirements of homeopathic regret. .Why regret? .In addition most people think, can not easily met and the President alone, there were special reasons, that is, in Henry Kissinger, Chairman Mao in front of them, pointing to Bush, said: "He can become president." Perhaps it was that people thought it was .sentence a joke, the results in 1988, Bush defeatwrongful death attorneys floridaed in the general election • Democratic opponent Michael Dukakis, the White House, he served as the 51st U.S. President, Chairman Mao's prediction becomes a reality. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 28. Chairman Mao, Deng Xiaoping's prediction: Chairman Mao said: "The squares look down on those people, I can, I die, who can not be hid him. He is a man of" three .Since a pack of "those things still have feelings, not hate them on the capitalist roaders." <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 29. Chairman Mao, Jiang Qing, Zhang, Wang Hongwen Forecast: Chairman Mao said: "This man Jiang Qing .offend too many people, easy to go pushed into a corner, forcing people to rebel. I think I was dying that she was easy to get, and people are perfunctory her, Well do not buy her account. I want her to teach her .unite the majority, she would not listen. Nixon flatter me, my things changed the world, I say to change a few places around Beijing. Now look, even his wife have not changed, but also talk about change .world? she is not useless, the advantage is against the trend, bold vision and courage. Chunqiao a thinker, Chen Boda stronger than he is willing to use their brains characteristics, economic weakness is not, there is no prestige in the army there, the sword .British and Xu Shiyou also look at my face. Wang Hongwen was quick to mention, and not considered good, this is my mistake. This person has not experienced rain, later to make up classes. " .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> 30. Chairman Mao behind the forecast trend in China: Chairman Mao said: "It was my eight words, satellite sky, red floor." <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> .predicted from the 30 amazing to see Chairman Mao not only God but also God than God. .He with his extraordinary insight, profound knowledge and careful analysis to determine accurately predicted by many Chinese and foreign history of major events, and fully demonstrated the capacity of Chairman Mao's marvelous prophecy. .Therefore, learn, study Chairman Mao's prophecy, prediction, decision-making art, for the guidance of China's scientific development, and enhance response to constantly changing international and domestic situation ability, great practical significance. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr .> ��Source��: blog China <wbr> (30 of Chairman Mao in this article is based alarming predictions compiled from information on the Internet.).

