
Fruits of strengthening of science and technology of China, the US and Europe are dumbfounded _ laugh look at old cow

Fruits of strengthening of science and technology of China, the Help Desk Tracking SoftwareUS and Europe are dumbfounded author: Marine Corps major Deng Xiaoping once said: "in the past, today or in the future, China must develop its own high-tech, high-tech in the world has a place in the field". This sentence has been inspiring technology in China.����Excellent Chinese, pregnant with the Chinese wisdom and wit, when mankind since the beginning of a new 21st century, keeping pace with the Chinese people in the field of high technology has finally caught up with the West, realize the aspiration of Deng. October 15, 2003, researched, and the first manned spacecraft "Shenzhou", fifth launch, the Chinese nation on the climbing World Technology Summit journey completed a great feat, is a new milestone in the history of China's space.����Major scientific and technological activities in this world to solemnly declared the world, China has become the United States, after the Soviet Union the world's third independent manned space State.����China "Tianhe first," super computer systems, to peak speed 4700 trillion times, and continues speed 2566 trillion times each seconds floating-point operations of superior performance ranked world first; China first Taiwan itself design, and independent integrated development of "Dragon," deep-sea manned diving device in world Shang with type of manned diving device in the has maximum design Xia dive depth--7000 m, this means with the diving device can in accounted for world marine area 99.8% of broad waters using, representative with deep-sea high-tech area of most frontier; Chang second, satellite smooth launched and full full established task, description has China analysis months engineering first stage smooth into finished and to second stage development,, and so on, these high-tech area of positions, China scientists a received a of conquer, China in technology Shang quickly closer and United States of distance, over has European. As a world power, to safeguard State sovereignty and territorial integrity of China, absolutely necessary to strengthen their own national defense building.����Implementation of "Science", focusing on winning the future of modern technology, especially under conditions of high-tech war, this is the 21st century, China's national defense strategy. "Science and technology" by scientific and technological innovation is the core of accelerating the pace of development of new weapons and equipment, promoting the development of weaponry, military weaponry by semi-mechanical, mechanical moving toward automation and informatization.����"Science and technology" aim high technology applied to weaponry, military combat capability, and take the road of troops with Chinese characteristics, realization of our armed forces from the number to the quality and efficiency, in terms of manpower-intensive to a fundamental change in technology-intensive. Is ASAT tests-free, anti ballistic missile test, the establishment of Beidou navigation system, anti-ship ballistic missile development, refitting "waliang" aircraft carrier, also successful maiden flight is a fifth-generation stealth fighter, space planes successful first flight, all of this shows that China's science and technology and military strength.����United States what China can and will have, this is the cattle in the field of science and technology in China. Some time ago United States test-fired the electromagnetic railgun, United States us ass jerk a jerk, high profile even claimed that electromagnetic railgun will be the future masters of war. Everyone knows China military study on early success, but I just don't want to quiet, fear of overwhelming-bashing ' China threat theory. It has been revealed: this kind of precision-guided weapon launched Hypersonic projectiles, within a few minutes rather than hours of the hundreds of kilometers of combat objectives. In search of foreign intelligence information at his disposal, it is understood that the Chinese military in re destroyer warship will include tracks for the future of artillery systems is as follows: a launch weight of projectile (including propellers and Chamber pieces) 20 kg; flying weight of 15 kg; the initial speed of 2. 5-kilometer/s; the initial kinetic energy of 63 megajoule; muzzle energy 150 megajoule, barrel length 12 m; launch speed 6~12/min; 15~30 megajoule system power demand; the projectile carried 2,560; maximum range 360-kilometer; in the objectives of the energy of 17 trillion Coke.����In combat, 15 kilograms of kinetic energy (not chemical) of anti projectile to Mach 8 times emission into the atmosphere, attack any target in the range up to 360-kilometer, no more than 3 minutes! so don't how long China high-tech cutting edge weapons make United States stunned will continue to occur, these leading-edge areas constitute a comprehensive stwrongful death attorneys floridarength of China's rapid promotion, China has the reason more confident. Marine Corps major-Peng Tinghua, reproduced must be marked! edit: the Chiapplication business card creditnese military

