
[Reprint] [Posted] Stalin during the second world war, committed "serious error" _ Lu Xun regenerated

Original address: [posted] Stalin during the second world war, committed "seriowells fargo home equity loans us error" author: Ant civil lawyer this article address: http://sunjinping.blshe.comHelp Desk Tracking Software/post/1214/628841 1. Alliance wiDesk Help Software Trackingth Nazi Germany, Poland partnership intrusion Poland during World War II battle, forgotten corner, even in the East battlefield it is the most overlooked. Whenever you remember it was just recall several nouns, Auschwitz and the Holocaust of Jews in Poland and Poland military defeat of a thousand miles. In 1939, on 1 September Germany troops crossed the border to Poland. Then, a new term in world military history �C Blitzkrieg. The German army was indeed at lightning speed in pressed down with Poland. This Eastern European country just 21 years national forthwith on the Nazi's cruel oppression. 10 days, the outcome of this battle has been identified. September 17 western border of the Soviet Union into Poland. September 27, the fall of Warsaw. Two days after their country was divided up. Germany's occupation of the West and the Soviet Union won the East. Less than a month the European largest state of the map completely disappear. The Soviet Union, in this war of played a full role of the aggressor. In just the past August 25, reached agreement with Germany Soviet-German non-aggression pact, which comes with carved Poland and the Baltic States the terms of the secret.������������After the end of World War II, it became an indelible stain. 2. the secret killing tens of thousands of prisoners of war, honey, but framed Poland Germany Muscatine massacre in September 1939, Nazi Germany January invaded Poland, September 17, Soviets Poland. Stationed in Poland in the East of Poland military police and officials about 25 million people were captured. In 1943, 13 April, Nazi Germany announced in Muscatine forest discovery was the Soviet Union killed a million soldiers with Poland. Soviet denied accusations for this shift in Germany, and with the requirements for the truth of Poland in the ROC government in exile in London. In September 1943, the Soviet army recaptured Smolensk region, organized survey, the massacre of Germany have claimed the aggressors. After the end of World War II, at the Nuremberg trial, the Court recognized the USSR Soviet of findings, but did not receive consent. Thus, Muscatine events become historically difficult mysteries, a wave-Soviet relations in the "historical blank spot". 1990: April 13, President of Poland Jaruzelski visitor, TASS recognizes the Muscatine event is "Stalin's doctrine of serious crimes." However, the party was still not open all of the truth. The 1992 on 14 October, the Soviet Union had just put the Muscatine event secret archives copies forwarded to Poland.����At this point, the Muscatine tragedy revealed. 3. to establish the "Eastern front", massive invasion of the East, the Nordics during the early years of the second world war, the Soviet Union in the European Eastern expansion of the boundaries of Defense Germany aggression defence. In the late 1930s, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union faced threats, seeks to improve the status of the western boundary of the defense. After Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, the Soviet Union issued a statement that Poland country has ceased to exist and to protect the territory of Poland and Belarus Ukraine, thus sending troops invaded eastern Poland, in Poland and incorporate it into the Soviet Union. Passed October 1939-1940, the war of aggression against Finland, Finland made part of the territory of the Soviet Union, have the right to lease the Hangon peninsula. In October 1939, the Soviet army presence in the three Baltic countries. In June 1940, the Soviet Union deployed more troops, and to order the restructuring of the Government of the three countries, August in the Soviet Union's political and military coercion, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, announced the restructuring of the Governments of the Soviet republics, while at the same time to join the Soviet Union. Although the surface forms the three Baltic countries to join the Soviet Union "comply with legal process" are actually the annexation of the Soviet Union, use of force. In June, the Soviet Government of Romania to Romania ruling group policy "a serious threat to the safety of Soviet southwest border" reasons, request that the Bessarabia "reversion" USSR, Northern Bukovina "transfer" of the Soviet Union. The Government of Romania, but to accept the resignation of the Soviet Union, Soviet occupation of these districts. Eastern front of the establishment of the Soviet Union, an increase of 46 000 km2 territory with a population of 22 million, the western boundary to the West of about 300-400 km, to a certain extent increased defense space, improved strategic position, in Soviet-German war played a limited role.����Eastern front of the building reflects the Soviet nation chauvinism, detrimental to the reputation of a socialist State. 4. do not allow troops to retreat, and that the reasonable millions killed without fear despite the Soviet victory, but the life of Stalin's disregard for soldiers, in 1942, July 28, issued the famous 227 file, that is, "he could be back" command.�� File requirements on unauthorized withdrawal, absent, punished for their actions taken extremely stringent measures on frontline forces fire quantity. While the order issued previously, Stalin had already done the most typical example is the battle of Kiev, because Stalin refused zhukefu and Kiel wave North's strategic retreat, resulting in the Soviet past six Persian army, there are more than 100 million Soviet Red Army were killed, captured or missing almost the entire Southwest front; no longer exist.��5. the arson training life, numerous Soviet people died in their own hands. Arson on the life of the Institute was later named, was formerly a 1941 on 17 November that Soviet Supreme command issued the first 0428, "orders the orders in the former Soviet Union's original archives were later destroyed Soviet leaders. Orders to mean asking House troops to Germany occupied territories in Germany the SS and the German clothing to destruction and burning of German residents, kill and German "general good" residents and left several "witness" has proved that the German army is because Soviet partisan attacks of brutal reported negative means to stir up affecting the Soviet Union (in particular, Ukraine and Belarus) residents of de mood, more conducive to launchMany people join de guerrilla. Additionally and German frontier defense in depth against 40-60 km of settlements, the Soviet army concentrated use of artillery and mortar fire, use the Scout, ski soldiers and partisans, of course, the air force to destroy all neighbourhoods. 6. the abuse of German prisoners of war, the German prisoners of war survival is not enough Stalingrad 1/10 of Stalingrad, de 6 Commander Paulus was concluded to the Soviet army surrendered Paulus together with surrender, 23-bit, 2 universities officials level officers, soldiers and approximately 90 000 000 non-combatants and civilians. Those who stay injured, it is unfortunately have been the murder of the Russian armed forces.����After the captured six weeks, there are four 90 captured 50 000 people in 40 miles south of Stalingrad Volga on Baker lastovka (Behtoffba) burned in a prison camp of famished. after the end of World War II, really survive the German prisoners of war less than 6000 people. 7. in order to "Mongolia independence" as a condition on the day of war at the end of the second world war, the allies for the Soviet Union declared war against Japan, us and UK without notifying the Chinese and other allies, in 1945, on 11 February and Soviet Union signed involving Mongolia and China's sovereignty of the Yalta agreement (also known as the long-time "Yalta"). Which calls for Mongolia (Mongolian people's Republic) of the status quo be maintained, as well as the United Kingdom and the United States Government must be accorded recognition.������������This is China's sovereignty and territorial integrity of extremely barbaric, brutal interference .8, 8 March in Germany surrendered just three months later, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan.����8. battle of Hungary, the Soviet army with people "supplementary" prisoners of war. Hungary campaign, civilians become war victims poisoned the deepest: during the entire siege, Hungary residents 130000 people died in the flames of war, 2500000 people died of hunger, more people were "250000 arrow cross" cohorts or killed, in addition, the Soviet army in order to exonerate himself on Stalin Hungary long attack of reason (they had previously explained to Stalin Romania defenders 180000), grab more than 50000 civilians as a stopgap "prisoners of war" (the Soviet army for Hungary civilians will be seized upon Germany Jundayi tumbled, so these civilians became the "Germany-fascist prisoners of war," but really captured in Germany most of the soldiers were captured and executed by an in-place immediately after), of which over 13000 people never return to their homes. Throughout the campaign period Hungary, civilians (including Jews) of total casualties loss figures as high as $ 76000! 9. '' The liberation of Europe "trip resulted in millions of women have been raped rape has become a trend, not arbitrary killings and ill-treatment of prisoners of war, looting, alcoholism trouble became synonymous with the Soviet army. Patton said in a letter to his wife wrote: in the Soviet army was a mob with strict discipline. All the way from Ukraine to the crime, even in West Berlin to take over West Berlin, the Soviet army's still cold. In particular, in the North of Berlin called Tegel in prison, after the Soviet occupation, many of which are held for many years the Soviet prisoners of war after being released, they repressed the physiological needs for many years suddenly no longer subject to any constraints, robbery and rape after they appear suddenly upgraded ... United Kingdom one covered during the second world war, the Soviet Red Army's the rape of two million names Germany women book publishing, many silent victims of more than 50 years, came out of the closet, accused of crimes, that red fill the blank. The victims include Germany, wife of former Prime Minister Cole, she committed suicide in the last year. When she was only twelve years old, and his mother was the Red Army rape. It is expected that the book is published in Germany this autumn, de Russia controversy. Military historian Beaver, published in the fall of the Berlin: 1945, is based in Russia archives without the public materials, Germany, the United States, France and Sweden's war archives, as well as the victim of some sort and to write. In his book that, in almost three years period, the Soviet Red Army by the Prussian and German war and fought against Nazi Berlin, estimates a total of 2 million women were raped, some of which are being raped.������������In Berlin there are 130 women killed, including ten thousand people who were against suicide. 10. Soviet troops looting, raping of Northeast China no evil without starting from the Soviet army entered the North-East, it is a significant part of the officers and men showed serious indulgence. They not only defeated Japan human violence, looting and its allies of the Chinese people, but also frequent harassment. In particular, Rob, rape women two, causing serious Northeast many mass panic. In more than a million into the northeast of the Soviet army, these offenders are common in all parts of the impact of the horrendous. When fourteen years wangguonu Northeast people see "liberator", but it is such a pair of images: Soviet army's lone warriors ' day in the street, there's rampant everywhere drinking, stealing the warehouse, a bag of auction on the street, in the evening and drink drunk, Rush Street entry find "Martha drill Adam", scared people shut, is hoping they leave early. The Russians in both "thief" and "bandits"-attribute, "thieves" of the greed and fear, in its weakness is the opportunity it will steal, steal out of fear reimbursement, so try to attempt to eliminate the "stolen property" on the original host of features. "Bandits" of the worst violence and superstition. Russians do something always is "one third of Rob, seven Lai," and "only need an excuse to not need reasons".

