
Life III_, Xiao Yu, GY,

Classification: the philosophy of life ��close latest survey found that rational utilization of biological clock more true �� at 1 o'clock in the afternoon 1. raise the easiest to obtain consent; 2. evening 6 point man senses most soft; 3. the 3 pm to 8: skin can fully absorb nutrition; 4-3: 00 pm don't quarrel with her lover; 5-9 p.m. to 6 a.m. the next day to eat most snooze; 6-11 p.m. to 3 a.m. is sleeping beauty sleep in prime time, hair on the skin. �� Three old Chinese dispels smallpox soil method �� 1, natural juice of Aloe mashed or, after you meet face to face wash, wash off after 20 minutes, red litle will darken, anti-inflammatory effect is good; 2, fresh potatoes peeled and cut thin slices, cleansing after dressing in changdou, 10 ~ 15 minutes after take off, stick to compress, douyin becomes pale; 3, purslane grass (herbal line can buy) mashed squeezed into juice directly to the patient, or combined with honey water when the mask is used, the application after 20 minutes to clear water cleansing. �� Beauty food Guinness �� �� Tremella jujube soup: breast enhancement whitening weight loss; �� black glutinous rice porridge in longan date: �� and nourishing blood; red pork ribs: Angelica Yin-moistening, beauty skin care; �� red Walnut oatmeal porridge: keep enriching educational; �� sweet potato red jujube soup: blood weight loss help digestion; �� papaya Tremella soup: breast enhancement to lose weight; �� bean soup with pig's Sydney: moisturizing facial care Qingxin buck. �� Do pay attention to eight injured stomach bad habits �� 1. eat eat too fast; 2. immediately NAP after lunch; 3. dining without law; 4. storm cold storm hot mix food; 5. eating while drinking; 6. often likes to eat pungent food; 7. excessive dependence on rice; 8. midnight also eat. ��Last day should sleep? �� Europe latest research findings, 6-8 hour ideal. Less than 6 hours may increase death rates, more than 8 hours may be disease precursors. These surveys from Europe and East Asia, and track time of up to 25 years, a total of 150 million people covered. Surveys show that lack of sleep and premature departure directly related. For example, if thDesk Help Software Trackinge United Kingdom citizens aged 16 and above all the lack of sleep, 630 million people lost their lives. �� Colds without medication 11 secret �� 1, endothermic gas. 2, drink hot drinks. For example, drink with honey, ginger drink hot water; 3; 4, chicken soup, more rest. 5, drink plenty of water. 6, plus nutrition. Such as eggs, milk, etc.; 7; 8 learn decompression will keep warm; 9, 10, nose; logistic gargle. Hot water in the spoon of salt every day rinse four times; 11, plus pillow. Cushion pillow to sleep within high nasal mucus discharge will be smooth. �� Alert! coffee may let your chest becomes small �� Sweden scientists of a newly discovered pointed out that the girls daily coffee if more than three cups, their breasts may become smaller. Because half of the female body contains a special gene, because this gene, when their intake of caffeine, the breasts will shrink. However, Lund University, Helena-kinslow El said that women are not necessary for all the results of the study. Coffee tips: 1. drink a cold water before you drink it. 2. While it's hot drink, 91 to 96 �� c to disseminate the flavor is rich. 85-88 of drinking the best. 3. drink a black coffee, feel the pure tHelp Desk Tracking Softwareaste! 4. offiwells fargo home equity loans cial drink before drinking a mouthful of ice water, coffee taste clearly emerge. 5. do not add sugar, add raw sugar only .6. coffee spoon to stir the coffee and cannot be used to scoop of coffee. 7. milk balls bubble cholesterol is high, it is better to use fresh milk for seasoning

