
Li shufu arrogance and humility-_ pirate King

present Li shufu tired perfunctory and accommodation. Since more than ten years ago and started manufacture of automobile, Geely holding Group (hereinafter referred to as auspicious) Chairman of the Board, he has been the one suffering from ridicule and contempt.����In those opponents and outside of it, the auto maker Li shufu only suitable for running in the Township Road, rather spacious flat headlights of the city. A few years ago, held in Beijing in an automotive Summit moderator on stage to introduce Li shufu chenhong, General Manager of Shanghai GM Li shufu long hold chenhong hand pressing and said: "I have been asked to someone who is chenhong, I however every day to see you.����"But daily only for Li Chenhong to polite smile, you rarely see a few more eye side this ardent admirers. "Enterprises make cars" is not to be tolerant of curse. He did like was the King of comedy "that is not the role of young performers.����From a refrigerator, a motorcycle to manufacture cars, including the Office of the Kili University, Li shufu is not permitted.����He and his car frequently appears as a joke, it was said that he made it out of the car, it looks as if the "front, followed by a look like Mercedes Benz BMW." Very often, he'll chime in to join the goodwill for your own whether or malicious jokes.����His suit a custom 10 sets of the same color, style, and then happily heavily advertising; he claims "like watermelon sale sell cars", similar to the well-known parable and watermelon, "cars is very simple, just four wheels plus two sofa." Miraculously, he entered this once prohibited private places, he began to realize the dream of car. In the past year, Geely acquisitions Volvo calls out a warm and prolonged discussions.����Prior to this, the United Kingdom because of the acquisitions of Geely manganin holdings and Australia's automatic gearbox supplier DSI has to shine. Li shufu finally sees the changes. The Chinese Government on Kili showed an unprecedented interest. Kili is set to China Automotive brand. It is not long technical system won the State Science aDesk Help Software Trackingnd technology progress award.����In 2009, even at the Department of Commerce, is contrary to the principle of equity expressed support for the propitious acquisitions ahead of Volvo. However, Li shufu has not allowed the audience laughing and joking.����He said: we have a truly international level of auto companies. Therefore, when someone in a business forum, again he was "the car is the wheel plus sofa", Li immediately become angry. A similar scene earlier appears in the seventh annual meeting of the Chinese business leaders. Li shufu participated by zero company Chairman Yuanyue (blog) hosted a sub-forum. As a moderator, will undoubtedly want to active the Yuan, he said "the wheel and the sofa."����Li shufu manner so that everyone feels embarrassed him an excuse to leave the Forum. And those big businessmen, Li shufu is more like an utterly stunned slats.����He had enough arrogant of automobile, heavyweights were to the same arrogant towards the outside world for a while it is difficult to remedy the prejudice and suspicion. Rural youth and film star in the 47-year-old birthday, Li shufu got dreams of Volvo.����2010-March 28, in Sweden the Gothenburg, Geely holding group and Ford signing to 18 million successful acquisition of Volvo 100% equity and related assets �� he formed a local Chinese Auto enterprises overseas acquisition of Max. "Like a rural youth love big movie star.����"Evaluation of Geely ever Li shufu acquisition of Volvo.����Since broke into the auto industry, Li shufu car Empire went from scratch, from there to the weak; the radical internationalization Geely now can be regarded as the starting point for Li shufu stronger. Years ago, the nationalist anger youth Li shufu wrote a poem: "the winter, spring, late in the quiet. Not noisy, not noisy, independent brand stretch. Europe and the United States, South Korea and Japan, when the fawning? Chinese cars soar, fighting decade larger sculpture! "This impulsive emotions directly influenced his early access to objects.����In 2001, there are several paid foreign manufacturers, in cooperation with "on" to find lucky, "the earliest years of the universal", but Li shufu sensitive and self-esteem, he felt that the foreigner is not an equalHelp Desk Tracking Software attitude to think that the other is to uncover the true circumstances of Geely, "who knows what they are, the malicious", so he will no longer see similar partners. However, the passion in a noisy and seems to be a calm after the Li shufu.����He was to manufacture low-cost cars for private capital and has long been known as a "Catfish", but the passion of the challenges the Windmill, Li shufu now face or his automobile enterprises how operational and development of urgent problems. Starting from the second half of 2006, he has seen their lows which entered the automobile industry is undoubtedly to give lucky policy led to the grave. He must rebuild propitious descent.����He came from brilliance invites Zhao Fuk remodeling lucky technology system that attempts to skills upgrading and dazzling multi brand, erase the consumers on auspicious low-end memory. This "grassroots change nobles" road was very difficult. In 2008, Lee in an interview once said, "our products without dignity, price is always cheaper than the others, always having low look, the situation at the very least I am not accept. "He also face more grim reality challenge �� making cheap car let luck lost hematopoietic function, in addition, the joint venture automobile brand to the bottom of the release of increasing price pressure. In 2009, the annual sales volume of Geely 33 million units, still lag behind the Chery estimated 45 000 and 40 000 expected BYD.����Despite the auspicious high-end car sales proportion of total sales are rising, according to the annual report of Geely automobile, in 2008, this ratio has reached 76 percent percent, but at the cost of control is still a lack of means �� in the first half of 2009 cycling price surge 105 per cent of the cases, lucky gross profit margin was down by 6 percentage points to 9.70 per cent, far below the BYD, etc. Therefore, Geely, purchasing, Volvo is actually behind the Chinese automobile industry representatives of private enterprises, as well as the existence of difficult to find upgrade solutions brand confusion �� if someone walked into lucky factory, you will find there is not a thought humbleAssembly workshop, this company in automotive production and operation has changed enough change, it really lacks is a truly appealing brand, valuable innovation and advanced management capabilities.����Repair the relationship between the Government of Australia, acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions of DSI, massive introduction of Volvo international talents �� Li shufu is through him, the more radical the internationalization strategy, to make up for their constitutional defect. In the whole of Geely Volvo, also accompanied by a United Kingdom Lochiel company (NM Rothschild), the United States and other international well-known investment bank Goldman Sachs.����Lochiel company, Goldman Sachs, respectively, and Volvo, Ford has a close personal relationship, and Geely holdings of major bid for rival �� United States Crown group from Ford two former executives lead. Although the Geely holding group is finally defeated, but lucky Crown also paid a price �� acquisition price finally rose to 28 billion, and the book value for Volvo billion.����Citi Investment Research said that Volvo still owe a Ford billion outstanding loans, and the next five years also need large amounts of capital investment. Laughs last, perhaps investment banks.����Financial crisis aftermath is not flat, I'm afraid it's hard to find 28 billion such mergers and big business that can touch the Volvo core management Lochiel company, both fully fathom out the sellers of mind, and adept at lobbying �� after all, have a golden opportunity for the Chinese Auto market, is undoubtedly the most touching story. According to the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA evaluation, lucky if the acquisition is successful, the 2010 Volvo project is likely to achieve profits.����And profitable method is to increase sales, especially in the Chinese market �C the last sentence, with a hint of black humor, propitious to believe in the Chinese market with annual sales of 20 million units, Volvo cars of potential and actual sales in 2009 only 1.26 million units. However, when the outside world habitually the Chinese automobile industry by far the largest amount of mergers and acquisitions, as the foolhardy Li shufu rash, but Li shufu believed that he had the insight into the nature of the master key industries �� Volvo markdown, recently, Lee's claims, Volvo has been registered in the "self." Street love Li shufu pioneering history writing poetry.����Poetry in addition to the inspirational pride, for example, that the force of law �� "power in the wind echos/miracle in the blue sky Flash", there are some pioneering bitterness, there is a song called "travel times on the front of the" who knows how many road/bittersweet already in memory/weeping defeatAs/dry tears hold/the suffering I come from/the way I know ... " Happiness is always at the top, and unfortunately it is difficult to imagine.����In fact, there is also a keen on Li shufu tragedy �� he himself would like a stone, would rather be stepped on, do not want to change yourself. Even a stone, he is also a full commercial head stones. In 1982, was born in Zhejiang Taizhou of farmer Li shufu graduated from high school, he had no opportunities to enter the factory, do business or capital, asked home to 120 Yuan to buy a licence for the camera, start the seagulls alleyways take photos for others to make money. One year down, he earned $ 2000.����At that time, a technician of monthly income and also although 50 Yuan. Li shufu has discovered a new way--from developing photo developer extract silver. He no longer give people photography money, traveled Taizhou of large and small Studio, acquisition of developer.����Later, he began to extract from waste electrical gold, silver, earned the first pot of gold. In Alchemy, Li shufu began to produce refrigerator accessories, Hangzhou of refrigerator plant with accessories.����In 1986, he began to produce refrigerators, to May 1989, refrigerator sales have reached 40 million, but due to the refrigerator factory are not included in the Ministry were directed against plant directory, Li shufu forced to give up. Close the refrigerator factory of Li shufu to Shenzhen University studying at their own expense. At that time, he bought life in Shenzhen's first car--Shenzhen China Motor Company made domestic Chinese brand cars.����It is said that it was this car inspired dreams of Li shufu make cars. In Shenzhen, Li shufu like decoration material market.����In 1990, he and the other brother up Geely decoration materials factory with the successful production of the magnesium aluminum panels, when there are sales of 800 million, the 1992 sales of over 7000 million sales for 2001 amounted to $ 3.4 earned second life pot of gold. In 1992, the investment real estate in Hainan Li shufu losing 2000 million.����From then on, he found that he was doing the industry's direction, the following into the motorcycle industry. However this naive to think that young people enter the motorcycle industry, the first hurdle is the national industrial policy.����He ran to the national machinery Department, request approval agreed production motorcycle. Lee recalls, machinery Department, he'll get into that, but through the door, with an inside are sweeping the floor of the dialogue.����I heard that this man is going to apply for production motorcycle, the sweep of the Li shufu scoff at the time, Li shufu retaining back. Clerkes of he went to Hangzhou, found a home on the verge of collapse, State-owned motorcycle factory to spend money on a card to buy a certificate, a "production will cost money to them."����Until 1998, the State machinery Department in their merger Taizhou company liabilities after State-owned enterprises of 6000 million, formally ratified the Kili motorcycle production. Making motorcycle is zealous supporter drew the best of a circle, and became later debating whether people Li shufu-made cars must successfully invoked by an example.����In the Save to third pot of gold, in 1997, Li shufu decided to not on civil industrial open car world adventure. As a civil lost, others make cars heterogeneous in observing that, or even completely take it as a joke.����He only 1 billion of its own funds, without any experience and accumulate in the automotive industry, did not receive any support. He can only become shareholders deyang prison under the car factory, established the "Sichuan auspicious Boeing automobile manufacturing co., Ltd.," use bus production licenses played production car of "too close".����Later in the United States the Boeing Company for trade bulletins are found on the Boeing "lucky", "Boeing" was stopped.In 1999, the competent industrial Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan to Taizhou research, Li shufu movers: "face to face, a courageous attempt to allow private enterprise to allow private entrepreneurs do car dream.����"It was during this time, he has spoken widely famous phrase," Please give me one more chance of failure. " As a floating in varied industries for nearly 20 years of private entrepreneurs, he tasted in State-owned enterprises between growth of hard bitterness.����In fact, since inception, he had been confronted with doubt and ridicule: as a system of private enterprise, how he obtained in quasi monopoly space? a hardly any technical and marketing resources for last-in, how he might in the automotive industry in a day? a grass-roots was born businessman, can adapt to the modern enterprise system? a large State-owned automotive group of CEOs and even on the evaluation are malicious and Lee: the clown. However, Li shufu patience and stubborn unpredictable. Now, he has successfully won the world's attention.����United States Wall Street Journal and the United Kingdom Reuters coincidentally than Li shufu? for Henry Ford, praised them has "a natural peasant wisdom and business intuition." For the acquisition of Volvo, the Chinese Government select support lucky instead of Li shufu-owned automobile group, that is not surprising: "no, do not dare to say, one is the Dragon. What you want? "those grassroots entrepreneurs common sense of inferiority, extreme self-esteem behind the inferiority complex, as well as the contradictions of the hackneyed joke, he doesn't want people to mention �� in FY 2005 award zheshang, he exaggeration to move, swinging arms, looked at from time to time, the audience is" soulful style since the male ".����In all the presentation scene also has never experienced such a situation, the stage and the audience are the same.����Merchant research society Executive Chairman Yang Yi Ching, a couple of years ago Li shufu "no occasion of reckless performance" can be said that the situation required, "in a not free access but may encounter the ' yellow card ' or even sent off in the game environment, the call will not cry than silence silent have higher risk". Today, he is no longer anyone humiliate and was suppressed role, nor does he have a Yu entertain the spirits. Familiar with his people on their evaluation is, "and more like entrepreneurs, more and more serious."��Farther away from his roots, not personalized. Emerging leaders in suspected Kili company in an article the soft article, Li shufu is molded into "concealed the universe, the throughput of Chi-also", "sweet and praised him not only has our business intelligence, having no one to make the camera, motorcycle technology talent, poetry and language talent is also quite high. His verse he entrepreneurial determination and beggars. He spoke when blending philosophy and as the saying goes, reveals a reckless passion of a poet. "He seems to really enjoy this is placed on the altar.����On many occasions, he would recommend the "two shock my own soul's book," a book is the Deng Xiaoping theory ", he wrote a book about the life of the book, the book title is the man of law, it describes him as a successful entrepreneur's Outlook on life and values.����For the former, he thought it was the "guide me along beacon", "many aspects not follow Deng Xiaoping thought system is doing, so it is very difficult to" entrepreneurship and innovation; for the latter, he insisted that it was written by myself, but later admitted that this thick up to 369-page book is "we help" results. China's economy to make dazzling speed growth, more people believe themselves also Li shufu. Many meetings forum-its name here, but fun to listen to the statements by Li shufu.����He is always first on the PPT is five characters, "according to law", because in this preacher, he can become "the prophet", experience than this. As early as the beginning of the century, Li shufu predicted a common bankruptcy, he is an industry forum to speak to one of the common Chinese Manager on the spot they stood up and said "I have left, going to work." Their disdain for the Lee and scorn for all comfort. In 2005, Li shufu and arrogant to say that the "world of little giants, sooner or later have to ask us.����"It was a sarcastic. However, the time finally stood on the side, he also Li shufu is a proud capital.����Li shufu said he was so many years doing significant decision is correct. "Because I can see tomorrow, see this pattern, you do not see. "He said," just as qigong. Qigong is true, you do not believe? "while Geely has just completed the acquisition of the Volvo, but soon he Li shufu-2002 internal claims in the auspicious to the acquisitions of the safest Volvo.����In 2002, he just got the car production license.����In 2001, the 38-year-old Li shufu is already "Forbes" magazine awarded China's richest 50 people, but he still staggers a humble small purses, so loners, frequently traveling in Beijing, Zhejiang and, in the relevant State departments. At that time was Li shufu render a vittangi Ke Te-like, at any time might be swallowed up by a strong system of tragic hero. To his dismay, the national industrial policy just like the Castle gates, seamless, despite his being hit over and over again, revealing the Castle did not accept the outsiders.����With regard to the production, there is no substantive harvested Geely. When Geely automobile is not income for 2001 was published in the directory, in the Asian Games Village at night, walking the Li shufu peer media figures as relatives croaked.����His brutal and hero complex but also won the respect and the mass media, especially in hot pursuit, he have to be ignored by commercial talent and the sensitivity of the market.����Now, he's constantly validate the prophecy, and accidentally set to "brand" of a typical, he has not so much fear. At the end of March 2009, the Geely Group's acquisition of Volvo (Volvo) hearsay, Li shufu appear in Australia New South Wales, signed the Biochem local automatic transmission manufacturer in the DSI (Drive-trainSystemsInternational contract. This is a lucky 2006 years become United Kingdom manganin holding company's largest shareholder after a cross-border mergers and acquisitions.����This action has become the "international standards" Li shufu's main argument. After a few days, numerous media visit asked Lee Geely group. Subsequent reporters at the meeting, a persistent reporter lucky eight established the national expansion of production base of funding sources curiosity.����He lit the Li shufu anger. "Media is not a court, not the public prosecutor's Office or Police Department. "Li shufu to the reporter cried," we have no powers of investigation of the media.����Why do I have to tell you? "to avoid such direct conflict in fact does not require much higher PR skills, but Li shufu obviously has lost the patience to resolve the conflict. In a later interview, Li shufu agreed to let long position lights of a magazine photographer to take pictures. Photographer requests "," Li "change position from his leg a little. "The speech" pale, swears he said: "I give you 2 minutes.����"However, he was talking at the same time have stood up and walked out of step. He carries all the pressure, however, his irritability of frequent to seemingly flushed with success, rather confused and helpless days �C there is a wide spread of stories that have come down in the period of time and colleague Li shufu after drinking crying: "I do not steal, do not steal, daily from 6: 30 in the morning and work until 11 p.m., hard to do business, why do people always laugh at me?" link: Li shufu wealth concept he once said, I have no wealth goals. In my view, its wealth, money is earned. The reason I've uwells fargo home equity loans nderstand because I was a little began to earn money. Second, the money is to achieve the ideal.����He said that I was making money to complete the personal expression of the will, the will of my "personal" is to make people buy a good car. Li shufu advocating frugality. When the business need, he would take all means to amass wealth, even frugality to what extent.����Allegedly, Group Finance, group are senior managers on a business trip, no special circumstances best in economy; no special circumstances not luxury hotels.����Li shufu life seat driving: formerly youliou, America and Japan, and later is beauty Leopard, free-to-ship, lucky diamond, now is the vision, Geely automobile production. Dress up: an interview with CCTV, Li shufu has caught his shoes off showing to the audience. He frankly said that this is a company producing shoes, inexpensive, and durable. Shoes as walking tools, strong and durable, it is not necessary to aim. Usually in the company, he often dressed in overalls, wearing a helmet appears on the factory floor. There are foreign activities, always with a Navy blue color of the suit.����He said, I never walked through a thousand dollars suit. Diet: as long as it is in the company, always in the canteen meals, Geely Hangzhou headquarters and road bridge, seaward, Ningbo, Shanghai, several large base of canteen staff know that boss meals don't need fine cooking, or even pay attention to the "color, fragrant smell, and flavor".����More often, is to play several ready-cooked meal in the canteen, rehu, clean. Li shufu values and he said, happiness and not happiness, cannot be measured by money. I tell you that money is not happy, you have to worry about is afraid of being someone stole, tomorrow worry about where the money is not a problem, acquired and consider this money spent. Do you worry about it all day, you are not happy I feel happy, not because of money, but because I was a little bit of a reality.

