
Noise can cause emotional stress endanger human health

World Health Organization recently published "New Scientist" magazine published a report that the noise is causing tensions and lead to many important cause of death.

Reported that in Europe, died of heart attack or stroke deaths, and 3% were due to traffic noise-induced. As the world's 700 million people each year die from heart disease, with the percentage estimated that every year about 21 million people may have died due to noise-induced diseases.

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Great music can also affect human health in Europe 7-year-old to 19-year-olds, 2% of the people so sick. 2% of Europeans because of the noise pollution, and continuing nightmares, at least 15% of people said they worry not stand the noise. 3% of tinnitus patients are ill because of traffic noise.

Professor Deepak Ke Pula, University of London homes, said: "Noise is a pollution, but did not cause much concern." WHO scientists say that more than 50 dB noise is enough to cause heart disease. Noisy restaurant 55 dB noise level at the top and bottom junctions with heavy traffic noise of up to 75 dB.

Experts warn that the noise caused by prolonged stress can lead people to the metabolic changes, facing life-threatening. Professional nurses Ailunmeisen British Heart Foundation said: "The tension will lead to heart disease recurrence. In addition, emotional stress are more likely to eat unhealthy foods, physical inactivity, a deeper love for smoking, which are very detrimental to health . "

