
Experts point out Bacheng effective in the treatment of epilepsy

Medical experts in Shanghai called for epilepsy should have aroused widespread concern in society as a whole. The current should first raise the social and professional awareness of epilepsy doctors clear epilepsy is not an incurable disease, and actively help patients with epilepsy out of the shadows. Most patients with epilepsy through proper treatment, normal work can learn, or you may even marry and have children like normal people.

It is understood that patients with epilepsy in China is estimated that up to 900 million, of which 80% did not receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment, and timely diagnosis and treatment of disease can be effectively controlled.
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Ministry of Health, National Health Education Tour say experts, Yan Chai Hospital neurosurgery Professor Wang Guisong told reporters that, if the epilepsy patients can get early diagnosis and standard treatment, more than 80% of epilepsy can be effectively controlled by drugs, the drug beyond the control of partially refractory epilepsy treated by surgery, so that people think epilepsy is not as incurable. Due to people's lack of adequate understanding of epilepsy, once the illness, then ashamed, therefore, many patients do not have access to early diagnosis and delayed treatment.

