
Women face reveal the secret of your body

Pale complexion is due to face due to lack of capillary filling, Chinese medicine, it is mostly imaginary disease or poor blood circulation is poor physical performance. In addition, bleeding, shock caused by the strong contraction of capillaries, hypothyroidism, chronic nephritis, lead poisoning, also will lead to the phenomenon of pale.

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Flushing his face with both physiological and pathological. The former occurs with alcohol, sunlight, strenuous exercise or emotional events, such as anger or shyness about; the latter is mainly caused by high fever in infection diseases such as typhoid, malaria, tuberculosis and pneumonia. Dilation of blood vessels, such as taking drugs such as atropine, and after large doses of hormones, can also cause temporary facial flushing phenomenon. In addition, lupus patients who also have a carbon monoxide poisoning, his face flushing symptoms.

Most bruising his face caused by lack of oxygen, severe pain often with bruising to his face pale, heart failure, congenital heart disease, but also will cause the face becomes purple.

Yellow face was mostly the result of cell damage or bile duct obstruction in the blood bilirubin concentration above the normal range, and mucous membranes caused by infiltration of organizations, the medicine called "jaundice." Mainly found in acute jaundice hepatitis, gallstones, acute cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer and other patients. In addition, because patients with chronic hookworm blood loss, the symptoms will appear yellow face.

Chinese medicine, kidney loss of face is the performance of black, so drugs commonly used to treat kidney. In addition, liver cirrhosis, epinephrine hypothyroidism, chronic renal insufficiency, chronic heart and lung failure, liver cancer patients, there will be face black. As a result of physiological phenomena and the formation of black face, senile pigment spots, stretch marks, women are a normal phenomenon, not a disease.

