You know? Phone in addition to adverse health, also affect the child intelligence. Recently, a study by Monash University in Australia found that regular use of mobile phone text messaging, can affect young people's way of thinking, so that they become impulsive character, and gradually lose the ability to thought.
Abramson of the University epidemiologist Professor of 11-14 year olds and their habit of using mobile phones to participate in the computer test results were compared. It was found that frequent use of mobile phones will change the brain's way of thinking. Professor Abramson said: "In sending messages, just click a few keys, you can see the words you want to complete in, this will make them easy to do other things at the time, has the speed but the lack of accuracy. "
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The researchers warned that the child's brain is still in the developmental stages, and cell phone use are changing their way of learning, driven by their neglect of thinking, behavior becomes more impulsive.