Wrinkles is a sign of aging, many women saw the eyes of the crow's feet, forehead, forehead wrinkles, nasolabial folds to the mouth of the frantic, "ah! And old!" In fact, wrinkles and more importantly, indicates that health and disease. Experts suggest that we can look in the mirror, the wrinkles from the surface to understand their physical condition.
1. Eye arc "laugh lines": that the weak connective tissue within the body wrinkles and signs of hearing may decline, there may be hemorrhoids.
2. Semilunar wrinkles under the eyes: in the kidney, bladder and symptoms of cardiac illness.
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3. Cruciform nose wrinkles: do not rule out serious spinal disease or kidney possibility of people who have such wrinkles usually deformed spine.
4. Nose and forehead wrinkles: wrinkles such people tend to migraine.
5. Right cheek, left cheek wrinkles than deep: It may be a bad liver.
6. Forehead wrinkles are not coherent, wavy: this one will appear listless, may be suffering from depression.
7. Next to the nose and forehead wrinkles cross obvious: this one is very healthy and rarely sick.
8. From nose to lips wrinkles there was a long slash: the heart may not be good.
9. Cheekbone wrinkles appear on the sickle-shaped: the feet may be sick.
10. Chin of the "cat's claw-shaped" wrinkle: the subcutaneous fat layer is damaged.
11. Neck wrinkles side there was a slash, and the low and short: This may have stomach discomfort.
12. Mouth a small wrinkle: the characteristics of a stomach.
13. Above the mouth, nose and wrinkles below: This situation has weak signs of hormonal activity.
14. Chin and wrinkles between the lower lip: there may be hemorrhoids.