[Reprint] Japan scholars: fighter 20 United States repeat Japan zero-mistake _ stone Xiaozhuang
Original address: Japan scholars: fighter 20 United States repeat Japawrongful death attorneys floridan-zero mistakes author: Wolf story of 72 years ago on April 1, the world's most advanced fighter jet "zero" in Japan first flight successful of the Gifu Prefecture Kakamigahara airport. -Zero machine with flexible flight performance and stronger firepower, can fly 8 hours, better than the United States and the United Kingdom of any similar aircraft. it is unfortunate, Americans do not believe that an earlier will only engage in "shanzhai" this success of the Eastern countries, did not application business card creditbring sufficient vigilance. Thus, in the two years after Pearl Harbor, 109-zero easily shot down on the ground of all United States fighter aircraft, their only loss 9. Facing a disastrous defeat, Americans even believe they may be pre-war from Germany and Italy secret purchase. a week ago, on January 11, history to repeat itself in some way, but the protagonist is not Japanese. Huangtianba airport in Chengdu, China, Jian-20 fighter aircraft successfully took off in the masses of onlookers, marked into the ranks of advanced countries in thHelp Desk Tracking Softwaree air. The plane belongs to the fourth generation (Russia called a fifth-generation) fighters, not only flying dexterity, and difficult to be detected by radar, can be found before launching missiles at the enemy aircraft shot down. Apart from the United States is equipped F-22 and Russia also in the development phase of the T-50 in addition to thousands of fighter aircraft of around a dozen countries in China without a fight is a fighter-20 opponent. The United States is still not convinced Congress to develop such a stealth fighter. Japan believed fighter-20 is the first time built a truly world-leading level of sophisticated weapons systems. Prior to this, China's military-industrial and scientific research department has been working to "catching up" the world's advanced level, instead of going to the "change". Fighter-20 is not the same, it is "catching up with" the world's advanced level, must take into account all the fighters to compete with it in the future issue, just as proud of China high-speed rail. however, China's high-speed rail, after all, also after the introduction of foreign technology and sample their redesigned, and fighter-20 sure do not get any strong technical support, its success more symbolic than iron. I can't help but think of Japan has been controversial, "China threat theory". Discussion of this issue should be stopped as the fighter-20 available. Because it is the core of "whether China will one day be strong enough to threaten Japan level" instead of "China's powerful enough to threaten Japan will really threats after the degree of Japan". Perhaps for Americans as well. Americans may be made the same error as 72 years ago. Prior to this, United States Secretary of Defense Gates said that by 2025, China is not going to have to work with F-22 compared to the fourth-generation fighter. This judgment is based on United States has turned off the F-22 fighter production lines, and form of a bill prohibiting the export of this aircraft and its allies can only buy another fourth-generation fighter with poor performance relative to F-35. This Bill is basically for Japan to develop, because not too expensive for many years have been pursuing only buy F-22 Japan. For Americans, banning the export of F-22 be said to be a wise decision, because it establishes both Japan and the military balance between China and established the Japan and the United States "between" the military balance. Japan Air self-defense force to buy relatively F-35, and F-22 of US forces in Japan fought side by side, it seems that Japan and the United States and the delicate relationship between the two countries is the best possible results for both. However, fighter over Chengdu-20 changed all that. , not to mention the United States and other allies on how to adjust the strategy deployed meet the challenge of China, at least in Japan have been caught in embarrassing. Despite the face of the Soviet Union for a long time Japan self defense forces no less experienced "fighters from neighbouring countries is better than your own" situation, fighters are almost nothing but the Soviet Union Japan have lead generation. The problem now is that Chinese fighter-20 finish is very high, even the most pessimistic estimates, also believes that by 2020 can be handed over to the army, forming first fighting in East Asia. Japan 80 's and 90 's is the best fighters from the United States imported F15J, they already have even in the face of China fighter and fighter-10-11 at a disadvantage. How to solve this problem, Japan is not a plan, not to sign the contract. At an air show, air self-defense force set up another sign that says, "Japan's next-generation fighter", behind the brands have only three wheels, which ironically the Government. China, Japan does not come out yet?, although Japan also known as the "spirit" pilot project, but completely independently developed a fourth-generation fighter is not an easy task. In the first 18 minutes of flying fighter-China 20 behind, hides a myriad of people, time and money. Hidden deep in the Qinling Mountains more than more than 100 tremendous wind tunnel is used to test the fighter-20 shape; located in suburb of fighter was the world's first mega-hydraulic press manufacturing-20 parts; the world's fastest "milky way first" computers can help designers find themselves any error; numbers are known beyond Japan peers as many times as aeronautical engineer at the University waited for the selection of the National Institute of; I was shocked that most of the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong in a report on January 15, fighter-20 alloy materials has long been one of the engine used by scientist named Shi Changxu developed, in order to test the performance of the Chinese people has spent 30 years time. as can be seen from these details, Japan for several decades is proud of the industrial and scientific capacity is fast catching up in China, at least in the heavy industry has been involved in aviation is far behind, is no longer "in China we could have" situation. To make up the whole system from scratch, I am afraid that is unrealistic for the present Government. therefore, the United States Defense Secretary Gates visited after leaving China Japan and reiterates its recommendation that the Japan F-35, strengthened defence forces. However, this price could rise to us $ 200 million of fighters and not as F-22 as a flexible and high-speed flight, its advantage is onlyInvisible and can only be located in front of the radar invisibility. Even worse is that F-35 is still not yet started production, even if Japan signed a contract right now, to get the plane might take 10 years or even longer period of time. In the United States begins era of shrinking global influence, Japan faces task of protecting themselves is becoming increasingly prominent, such delays for Japan there is no good. introducing United States aircraft and developed under the condition of the road, it's hard to go through, Japan will probably have to break, and take the third way--introduction in Europe or Russia. Europe can provide a mature and reliable "Typhoon" fighter, Russia test flight last year, is a true fourth-generation fighter T-50. However, Japan war have never bought any Russia arms, rarely in Europe. If suddenly orders issued to biggest arms in Europe or Russia, inevitably on Japan-us Alliance and trusted relationships have a significant negative impact. All in all, the fighter-20 the first flight to the US-Japan Alliance has a problem. author: jiatengjiayi
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